Friday, 16 March 2012

Astrology: What's the deal?

I have not really been a fan of horoscopes or astrology, but I kind of got attention via facebook...
I've always looked at such things as been a lie or fetish in a way. C'mon, how can an individual or a particular day, week, month or year be forecasted from looking at the signs/position of the stars, sun and moon.

But, to be realistic, one certain day, I read my horoscope and things that happened throughout that day was in the direction that the horoscope stated & it saved me (big time!!!!). Its not like I completely believe everything or I hold on to it like a manual to live my life, I just tink they have some signals or truths in them though not exactly as it would happen,but more or less like painting a blurry picture.

Each time I mention something like this to a friend of mine, he says that I'm not alright to be believing such things.
Firstly, if you take a look to the birth of christ, the people we know as ''the 3 wise men'' were astrologists - who studied the positions and aspects of celestial bodies in the belief that they have an influence on the course of natural earthly occurrences and human affairs. Hence, on their observation of a particular star that came up & stood out suddenly from the others in the sky.

They knew something not ordinary was happening on earth, they knew a king had been born, they studied the star and followed it, till they got to the manger where christ was born. Secondly, they offerred gifts (Gold, Frankincense & Myrhh), the gifts where prophetic and had a spiritual meaning :

. Gold as a symbol of kingship - the King that Christ is for us;

.  Frankincense (an incense) as a symbol of deity - the divinity and supreme being of Christ

. Myrrh (an embalming oil) as a symbol of death -  represents the bitter cup that Christ had to drink in suffering for our sins.

We all have our individual skills, talents and gifts..... an astrologist is gifted as well.

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