Thursday 15 March 2012

Down but still Strong...

Things happen!!! Sometimes I say its a miracle. Some other times, I say its just a coincidence but most of the time I say things happen for a reason and there are no such things as coincidences. I have been going through so much lately; work issues, relationship issues, financial issues but I just keep holding on. Mostly because the sun comes up every day and I get to see how beautiful the day is.
Wait!!! dats certainly not the real reason; It's probably just my faith and trust in God, believing that a change of story is around the corner and each passing day is leading me closer to that testimony.

I was just doing really low one certain day sometime back, broke down in tears, cried myself to sleep after prayers. Low and behold the very next day, things happened that reminds me that God does answer prayers and even in challenging times, he would never leave nor forsake me. Throughout that day and week, i was experiencing favours from all corners.  

Delay isnt denial, so it is said; therefore slowly but surely my heart desires will be granted unto me.

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